Hamburg, Germany 14. January 2024: Reflections from Memory Politics and Memory Ethics on How to Create New Responsible Transnational Sites of Memory, Transnational Dialogue about Climate Change and Historical Responsibility, Youth Encounter Program of Berlin Mission, Leipzig Mission and Southern Diocese of the Lutheran Church in Tanzania.

Bangkok, Thailand 18. December 2023: UNESCO and the BRI in ASEAN, Africa and Europe: Reflections on Collaboration to Promote Education, Science and Culture Across the BRI, UNESCO Regional Office, Bangkok.

Berlin, Germany 11. December 2023: The New Silk Roads: Transregional Perspectives, A De:link // Re:Link Workshop for Teachers in Berlin about the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Islamabad, Pakistan 23. November 2023: Creating Public Awareness and Prevention of Carcinogenic Substances from Public Infrastructure and Lifestyle, Insights from Ethical Cosmopolitanism and its Limits, Department of Media and Communication Studies, International Islamic University.

Berlin, Germany 22. November 2023: Infrastructures of Memory: EU-China Global Geopolitical Competition and its Effects on Africa - Africa Colloquium in Cooperation with DE:LINK//RE:LINK Silk Road Talks, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Jerusalem, Israel 14. November 2023: Multidirectional Mnemoeconomics: Jurisprudence for Ethical Reparations and Actionable Social Justice, Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Chemnitz, Germany 11. November 2023 Opening speech at Afrika Festival by Kukaye Moto and Arba Manillah, New Chemnitz.

Vienna, Austria 12. October 2023: China’s Belt and Road Initiative Vs. European Union’s Global Gateway, Department of African Studies, University of Vienna.
Geisa, Germany, 5-7 October 2023: Workshop “Reform’s Long Shadows: Global Reactions to Perestroika and ‘Reform and Opening Up,’ 1978-1991”, at Point Alpha Research Institute and University of Regensburg.

Duisburg, Germany, 18-20 September 2023: De:Link // Re:Link Research Project Visit to Duisburg Harbour.

Berlin, Germany, 18-19 September 2023: „Ansprenger Symposium 2023: Afrikawissenschaft trifft Praxis“ unter der Schirmherrschaft von Bundespräsident a.D. Horst Köhler, Deutsche Afrika Stiftung.

Berlin, Germany, 14-17 September 2023: Dekolonial Festival, for the project 'Dekoloniale Memory Culture in the City', Co-Chairing Discourse Program with Anne Adams and Christopher J. Lee the panels on: Art, Culture & History, Economy & Ecology, Intersectionalites, Epistemologies & Cosmologies, Solidarity & Radical Justice; Bauhaus, Berlin.

Berlin, Germany, 7. September 2023: Cosmopolitan Dialogue on Kwame Anthony Appiah's 'Ethics in a World of Strangers', Empowerment Workshop for Volunteers from Asia, Africa and South America, Berliner Missionswerk and Leipziger Missionswerk.

Gießen July 2023: BMBF-Netzwerktreffen der Merian Centres, Käte Hamburger Kollegs und Regionalstudien-Projekte: Tagungsthema 'Limits of the Development Paradigm: Sustainability and Postcoloniality as Challenges' Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC).

New Castle July 2023: Chair, Panel: Contesting the Coloniality of Memory, Memory Studies Conference, New Castle, United Kingdom.

Berlin 26 June 2023: 'Aural Inheritances of the Swahili Seas', a Conversation with Natasha Ginwala and Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor at the Gropius Bau Berliner Festspiele Exhibition: Indigo Waves and Other Stories: Re-Navigating the Afrasian Sea and Notions of Diaspora.

Berlin 20 June: BMZ African-German Leadership Academy Networking Evening, SO/Bern Das Stue.

Meißen 17 June 2023: Workshop Session "Towards Resource Justice: Examples on Cobalt, Lithium and Nickel Extractivism in Asia and Africa", Partnerschaftstagung der Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Sachsen.

Berlin 30 May 2023: Reading and Dialogue Session on "Afrasian Memory Politics and Ethics" at SAVVY CONTEMPORARY THE LABORATORY OF FORM-IDEAS.

2023: Provincializing Chinese Memory in Africa: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative, African Studies Seminar 2023, Institute of African Studies, University of Leipzig.

2022: Transregional Connective Memories Between Africa and Indonesia: The Case of Bandung and Makassar, Department of History, Hassanudin University, Jakarta, Indonesia (7. November 2022).

2022: Perceptions of The Belt and Road Initiative in Africa, Asia and Europe, School of Sociology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan (25. August 2022).

16.06.2022 Podiumsdiskussion: China Connecting People? A Transregional Inquiry into Infrastructural Dis/connections in Africa and Eurasia, Centre for East European and International Studies, Berlin.

2022: Chair: “Africa in Shifting Global Contexts: The Roles of China and the EU”: Panel: “African Relations with China and the EU and their Shifting Global Contexts”, Ostasiatisches Seminar, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Deutschland, December, 2021. 14-15, (Online).

2021: Podiumsdiskussion: Beitrag „Die Rolle Asien’s in Afrika’s Zukunft“, Podiumsdiskussions zum Thema „Chancenkontinent Afrika? Wandel, Entwicklungen und Handlungsoptionen; Conference Theme – „Nachhaltiges Investieren in Afrika“: Verein zur Förderung von Ethik und Nachhaltigkeit bei der Geldanlage (CRIC), Deutschland, 22-23 November 2021, Frankfurt am Main.

2021: Vortrag: “Provincializing European Memory: Convergences of Transregional Memories in Afrasian Spaces”; Memory Studies Association Conference; Conference Theme – “Convergences”, University of Warsaw, Polen, July, 5-9, 2021. (Online)

2019: ‘Was macht China „richtig“ und was macht Europa „falsch“ in Afrika?, Tagung: Africa-Europa: Gegenseitige Wahrnehmung-Gemeinsame Zukunft?, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing.

2019: ‘Transregional Slavery Memories: Bombay Africans, Wanyasa and Siddis’, Third Annual Memory Studies Association conference, Madrid, 25-28 June 2019.

2018: ‘Afrasian and Afrabian Memories in a Transcontinental Context’, Konferenz: VAD African Connections, Universität Leipzig.

2018: WeltBürgerInnen, SklavInnen und Glaube: Der Indische Ozean als Erinnerungsraum, Vortragsreihe: ‚Freiheit und Verantwortung für die Eine Welt’ Hannover, Deutschland, 18. October.

2018: ‘Responsible Geographies of Afrasian Memory.’ AFRASO Symposium: ‘Afrasian Interactions: Current Dynamics, Future Perspectives’, University of Mumbai, Indien 26-27 Juni 2018.

2018: ‘Suriname in Afrabian Memory’, Konferenz: ‘Legacy of Slavery and Indentured Labour ‘Linking the Past with the Future’ Conference on Slavery, Indentured Labour, Migration, Diaspora and Identity Formation,’ Anton De Kom Universiteit van Suriname, Paramaribo, Suriname 18-23 Juni 2018.

2018: ‘Progressive Politics of Planetary Memory: Connective Responsible Cosmopolitan Geographies of Afrasian and Atlantic Trans-oceanic Memories’, Workshop: ‘Reimagining Indian Ocean Worlds’, University of California, Davis (USA) 27-28 April 2018.

2017: ‘Die Rolle der neuen Verfassung und Afrika-Asien Beziehungen in den kenianischen Wahlen‘, Kenia nach den Wahlen: Auswirkungen auf Staat Kirche und das Nachbarland Tansania, Kolping-Main Franken Akademie, Würzburg.

2017: ‘Afrasian Cosmopolitanism: Identity, Memory, Literature’, Forschungskolloquium “Transculturalty in the Anglophone World”, Institut für England und Amerikastudien, Goethe Frankfurt Universität.

2017: ‘Afrasia and its Beyond: Responsible Geographies of Planetary Memory’, International Workshop, Africa in the Making of Modernity: Reconsidering the Black Atlantic, Universität München.

2017: ‘Oceans and Regions of Memory: Towards Responsible Trans-oceanic Cosmopolitanism in Afrabian Politics’, Second Annual Conference of Memory Studies Association, University of Copenhagen.

2017: ‘Responsible Geographies of Afrasian and Atlantic Trans-oceanic Memories’, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, Seminar für Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

2017: ‘Researching Afrasia and the Afrasian Sea: Epistemological Self-Reflexivity in Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production’, Conference: Researching South-South Development Cooperation, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge.

2016: ‘Afrasian Memory Interviews Complexities in Afrasian Spaces’, Working with Orality: Interviewing as a Methodology of Memory Studies, Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, Goethe University Frankfurt.

2016: ‘Indian Ocean as a Memory Space in the Context of South Africa and India’, Symposium by African Studies Association of India, Centre for African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India.

2016: ‘Afrasia: Justice and Ethics Within a Multidirectional Mnemoeconomics Framework’, Inhabiting the Corridor: the Implications of Surging Resource Economies on Urban Life in East Africa, Department of Socio-Cultural Diversity, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, University of Göttingen.

2016: ‘Indian Ocean Mega Projects vs Human Rights in Africa Within a Global Perspective of Asian Engagement’, Gerechtigkeit im Ausverkauf? Wie Ressourcenabbau und Megaprojekte Menschenrechte und Verteilungskonflikte in Tansania beeinflussen, Rosa-Luxemburg- Stiftung, Berlin.

2016: ‘Travelling Afrasian Objects’ 27th GAPS Annual Conference, "The Postcolonial and the Material", University of Augsburg.

2016: (with Prof. Dr. Astrid Erll) ‘Connective Afrasian Memories Between Competitive and Multidirectional Remembering’, Conference: Afrasian Transformations Beyond Grand Narratives?, Goethe University Frankfurt.

2016: ‘Multidirectional Afrasian Mnemoeconomics’, ACLALS Triennial Conference 2016, Ideas of Postcolonial Culture Inclusions and Exclusions, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

2016: ‘Contested Heritage Politics Across the Indian Ocean’, Indian Ocean Study Group, Connectivity in Motion: Port Cities of the Indian Ocean, Max-Planck Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

2016: ‘Connective Afrasian Ocean Memories in Pheroze Nowrojee's 'A Kenyan Journey: Between Competitive and Multidirectional Remembering’, Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging, Indian Diaspora Centre, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India.

2015: ‘Indischer Ozean Expertentreffen: Indischer Ozean Expertenkreis zur Region Indischer Ozean‘ Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin.

2015: ‘The Indian Ocean as Memory Space’, Forschungskolloquium Forum INPUTS ‘Imaginary Homelands (Forced) Migration and Diaspora in Postcolonial Cultures Literatures and Languages, Institut für Poskoloniale & Transkulturelle Studien, Universität Bremen, Bremen.

2015: ‘Towards a Braver History of the Indian Ocean’, International Conference: Relations and Networks in Indian Ocean Writing, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona.

2015: ‘Transregional Research in Trans-Areas: Methodological Reflections’, Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Hamburg.

2015: ‚Wissensproduktion in der geteilten transregionalen Forschung‘, Workshop: Geteilte Forschung Epistemologische Herausforderungen, gemeinsamen Forschens in transregionalen Zusammenhängen, Goethe Frankfurt Universität.

2015: ‘African Memories of Visits to China’, AFRASO - China-Africa Lectures, Africa’s Chinese options – Perceptions Culture and Politics, Konfuzius Institut, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

2015: (with Prof. Dr. Astrid Erll & Dr. Sissy Helff), ‘Collective Amnesia Denial or Disavowal of History? The Indian Ocean Islands of Mauritius and its Colonial Past’, Indian Ocean Memories Workshop, Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, Goethe University Frankfurt.

2015: ‘Connective Indian Ocean Memories’, African Asian Encounters (II) Re-Thinking African-Asian Relationships Changing Realities – New Concepts, University of Cape Town, Cape Town.

2015: ‘Connective Indian Ocean Memories: Towards a Braver Indian Ocean History’, International NITMES Conference: Provincializing European Memory, Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, Goethe University Frankfurt.

2015: ‘Dignity for Self and Others: Insights from Memory Studies’, Launch of The Glass Staircase at Prynnsberg Estate, Prynnsberg Estate, Clocolan, South Africa.

2015: ‘East Africa, South Africa and the Indian Ocean in a Global Context’, Tanzania Kreis Verein der Martineum Gymnasium in Halberstadt, Niederndodeleben, Germany.

2015: ‘In (Visible) Imperial Indian Ocean Memories’, International Workshop, Colonial Ruin: (In)Visible Sites of Postcolonial Memory, University of Amsterdam.

2014: ‘Baohan Street An African Community in Guangzhou (China)’, Photo Exhibition Documentary, Photographs by Li Dong, Global South Studies Center Cologne Cultures and Societies in Transition.

2014: ‘China in Afrika – Chancen Herausforderungen Perspektiven‘, GRASSI-Gespräche, Leipzig.

2014: ‘Discussing China in Tanzania's Parliament’, AFRASO - China-Africa Lectures: Africa’s Chinese options – Perceptions Culture and Politics, Konfuzius Institut, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

2014: ‘Civilizational Dialogues Between Asia and Africa: Asia in East Africa's Parliaments’, African-Asian Encounters (I) New Cooperations - New Dependencies?, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

2014: ‘Wealth in China’s ‘Colonies’ in East Africa’, Uncommon Wealths, Riches and Realities, 15th Triennial Conference of ECLALS, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. 2014 ‘Memory, Migration and Politics in Asia-Africa Relations’, Public Lecture, Jindal School of International Affairs, OP Jindal Global University, Delhi, New Delhi.

2014: ‘Indian Ocean Migrations and Impacts in the 21st Century: China and India in East Africa’, Public Lecture, Department of African Studies, Delhi University, New Delhi, India.

2014: ‘KiswaChin - Sinokiswahili in Kariakoo Chinatown’, 27 Swahili Colloquium University of Bayreuth and University of Leipzig Symposium, “New Dynamics in Swahili Studies”, University of Bayreuth.

2014: ‘Afrasian migrations across transregional spaces and places: East Africans and Chinese Migrants’, AEGIS Thematic Conference: Africa in the Global South biographies of mobility and aspirations of success, Centre for Interdisciplinary African Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt and Centre for the Study of Contemporary Africa at the University of Naples “L´Orientale”, Frankfurt am Main.

2014: ‘Writers in African Politics’, WiSe 2014/15, Goethe University Frankfurt.

2013: ‘Asiatische Akteure in Afrika im globalen Kontext: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit oder Neokolonialismus - Chinas Rolle in Afrika, Kooperationstreffen‘, AK Afrika und AK Asien, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Herbert-Wehner-Bildungswerk, Dresden.

2013: ‘Chinesische Migration nach Tansania’, Post-Terrestrial Area Studies? The Indian Ocean Translocal Histories and Maritime Constructions of Space, China - der heiß ersehnte Partner Afrikas?!, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum – Kulturen der Welt, Köln.

2013: ‘Successes, Challenges and Paradoxes of China-Africa Relations’, China and Afrika Seminar, Institut für Ethnologie, Goethe Frankfurt Universität, Frankfurt am Main.

August 2012: Volkshochschule Multedental, talk on, “China in Africa: Partnership with Perspective?” Grimma, Germany.

July 2012: University of Leipzig, Institute for Sinology and East Asian Studies, talk on China in Africa, Chinese Migration to Kenya and Tanzania, film evening and discussion.

July 2012: University of Regensburg, talk on „Chinese Migration to Africa: the Case of Tanzania” Institute of International Politics, Regensburg, Germany.

May 2012: Talk on “China in Africa: the case of Tanzania” at Akademie Frankenwarte during the Seminar ‘Tanzania – jenseits der Serengeti’ for Gesellschaft für Politische Bildung e.V. and INISA e.v. Würzburg, Germany.

June 2012: Discussant on: Exhibition white-black „what would happen if…new perspectives on everyday photos“ by STUBE Sachsen in Dresden, Germany.

April 2012: Discussant and presentation on global economics in relation to Africa, ‘It’s Time for Africa,’ Jugendverbände der Gemeinschaft Christlichen Lebens (J-GCL) in Altendorf, Germany.

November 2011: Beijing University talk on “China Africa Transmigrants in a Transnational Context,” Beijing, China.

November 2011: Zhejiang Normal University “China and Africa: Chinese Migration to African Countries, their Impacts and Future Prognosis,” Jinhua, China.

November 2011: Nankai University, Zhou Enlai School of Government, talk on “Chinese Migrants in Africa and China Africa in a Triangulation Context with Western Powers,” Tianjin, China.

November 2011: Fudan University talk on “China Africa – A Complex Relationship,” Shanghai, China.

October 2011: Shanghai Maritime University talk on “China Africa Relations in a Global Context”, Shanghai, China.

September 2011: University of Leipzig, Summer School “Crossing National Borders: People, Goods, Capital, and Ideas, Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences, Research Academy Leipzig, Language in Interaction: Chinese Migrants and Tanzanian Counterparts in Tanzania. Leipzig, Germany.

May 2011: Migration and Receiving Society, Problems, Conceptions, Solutions in Global Comparison. Presentation: “Chinese Migrants in African Countries and Africans in China.” Organized by STUBE organization, a supplementary programme for students from Africa, Asia, Latin America and southern Europe located in Dresden, Germany.

February 2011: University of North Carolina, Institute of African Studies: China in Africa: Transnational Chinese Migrants in East Africa and Their Impact. Chapel Hill, USA.

October 2011: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, “World Without a Center: The Dispersal of Knowledge and Culture in the Planetary Age,” Shanghai, China.

August 2011: German – African Network of Alumni & Alumnae, “Multilingualism and Language Policies in Africa: Facts and Perspectives,” University of Leipzig, Germany.

June 2011: Workshop “Jungewissenschaft und Praxis 2011” Knowledge Society and Experts Research Academy Leipzig, University of Leipzig. Participated in Roundtable Discussion on Brain Drain and Brain Gain. Breitenfeld, Germany.

May 2011: Political Activism and Resistance in Africa and Elsewhere. Symposium Conference in honor of Abdilatif Abdalla, University of Leipzig, Germany. Participated in Podium Discussion about “Kenya Twendapi: Kenya, where are we headed to”.

November 2010: University of North Carolina, Department of Economics: Is China good for the Development of African Countries? Chapel Hill, USA.

December 2010: Princeton University, Program in African Studies, ‘Thingira’ The Impacts of Chinese Migration to Africa. Princeton, USA.

December 2010: Princeton University, Sociology Department, The Center for Migration and Development. China in Africa: Strategies of Interaction Amongst Chinese Migrants and Tanzanians. Princeton, USA.

November 2010: Duke University, Asia Pacific Studies Institute, China Africa: Chinese Migration to Africa and the Case of Tanzania. Durham, USA.

August 2010: University of Witten/Herdecke, Und Jetzt? Die RückkehrerInnenkonferenz. Presentation: Global Correlations, Society and Development Politics: China in Africa, Witten, Germany.

October 2010: Southeast African Languages and Literature Forum, Institute of African Studies, University of North Carolina, United States of America. Chapel Hill, USA.

October 2009: Confucius Institute, East Asian Institute, University of Leipzig. Presentation: “China in Africa: Chinese Migration and Integration in Tanzania” Leipzig, Germany.

June 2009: 3rd European Conference on African Studies (ECAS). Theme: Respacing Africa, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. Presented paper: China in Africa: Chinese Migration to Tanzania – Challenging Generalizations about Africa and China, Leipzig, Germany.

September 2009: Summer School „Memory Cultures in a Transcultural and Transnational Perspective.” Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences, Research Academy Leipzig, Language in Interaction: Chinese Migrants and Tanzanian Counterparts in Tanzania. Provided Commentary for The Panels; Travelling Memories and Remembrance and Reshaping of Knowledge in Times of Economic Crisis. Leipzig, Germany.

August 2009: EED (Church Development Service) in Bonn and Arbeitsstelle Eine Welt of the Evangelical Church of the State of Saxony. Presented on Sustainable Development Cooperation Projects – A Perspective from the South.” Leipzig, Germany.

June 2009: Workshop “Jungewissenschaft und Praxis 2009” „Was ist Wahr? – Über Objektivität und Relativität Wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis“ Research Academy Leipzig, University of Leipzig. Breitenfeld, Germany.

July 2008: Doctoral Summer School at the Leipzig Graduate School of Management and Center for Global Ethics. Theme „Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility in a Globalized World.” Leipzig, Germany.

October 2007: Third Erasmus Mundus Student Seminar and First Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association at European Commission’s Tour Madou as Alumni Representative for International Students of Global Studies Master at University of Leipzig. Brussels, Belgium.

May 2007: Lutherstadt-Wittenberg, Germany: Center for Global Ethics: Africa Workshop 2007: „Entrepreneurial Spirit and the Comparative Advantages of Africa”; Results: „10 Thesis from Wittenberg for Africa’s future.”

December 2006: Center for Global Ethics: Africa Forum 2006 „Development Through Joint Encouragement of Entrepreneurship,” Lutherstadt-Wittenberg, Germany.

September 2006: Center for Global Ethics: Africa Forum 2006 “Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit,” Lutherstadt-Wittenberg, Germany.

April 2006: American University of Paris and American Embassy in Paris Talleyrand Hotel: American 4th Annual Presidents Conference for the Advancement of Scholarship France and the United States of America: Anatomy of a Long Alliance, Paris, France.

December 2005: Wittenberg-Lutherstadt, Germany: Center for Global Ethics: “Africa 2015 – 2050: Our Future – Our Vision.” Wittenberg-Lutherstadt, Germany.